Toddler Program

13 months-24 months.


the toddler care program at Kids Are Us

Once your child turns 13 months and is walking steady, he or she will advance to our toddler room. The toddler room is for children ages 13 months to 18 months. Our toddler room is where our children learn to use sippy cups instead of bottles. They practice feeding themselves in a high chair table. Pacifiers are used at a minimum, preferably only at nap time.

If you’re ready for more info, we’d love for you to come visit us

Toddler Program

Curriculum includes


Children 18 - 24 months

Children 18 months to 24 months are learning to sit in chairs rather than highchairs. They use backpacks instead of diaper bags and they drink out of tumblers instead of sippy cups. We are also working on potty training. Our goal is to make sure all of our children are potty trained before the age of 3.

Curriculum includes:

The curriculum for the advanced toddlers involves involves thematic units such as:
